Elder Law


Gracious Senior WomanAs advances in health care and in quality of life continue to improve, our country’s elderly population will become progressively larger. That is why planning for the future is an important part of any family’s estate plan. Thinking about ongoing health care plans and other matters can help provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind as you enter your twilight years. The Burlington County elder law lawyers at the law firm of Cohen Fineman, LLC, will listen to your objectives and help explore all of the options for your situation.

Contact our South Jersey estate planning attorneys online or call (856) – 304 – 0699 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your legal situation.

We Provide a Wide Range of Elder Law Services

Our attorneys can help provide you and your family with a wide range of elder law services, including those involving:

Medicaid and Other Health Care Options

Nursing home expenses and other long-term care options can quickly deplete a family’s finances. We can help explore options that may enable your loved one to protect most of his or her savings while still qualifying for government assistance programs such as Medicaid. While it is ideal to have such a plan in place before it is needed, we can also help families who are facing a loved one’s health crisis and need to explore their options for long-term care.

Contact Our Camden Estate Planning Lawyers

We can help give you the peace of mind that comes with planning for you and your family’s future. Contact our New Jersey elder law attorneys online or call (856) – 304 – 0699 to schedule an appointment to discuss your legal needs.